At times it is required to add points or weighting to specific units of a course.  If this is the case, do the following:

Click on the Qualification Rules button to open the qualification rules.  Create a new rule or select the rule to be updated.

Click on the Edit button, then click on the group Actions button then select New Unit Group.

  • Figure above - Create a new unit group


The New Unit Group pop-up box will be displayed.  Enter a unit group name then click on OK

  • Figure above - Enter a group unit name


The new Unit Group will then be added to the Unit Group List.  Double click on the new unit group to bring up the Qualification Unit Group screen, then click on the Add Units button to add the required units.

  • Figure above - Click on the Add Units button


Select the units to be added to the Group in the Add Units screen, then select Add as Core or Add as Elective as needed, then click on OK.

  • Figure above - Adding units to the Unit Group


Set the minimum and maximum units/points allowed for the Unit Group as needed, then double click on the unit to update the points/weight.

  • Figure above - Set the minimum and maximum units/points allowed


Enter the points/weight into the field and then click on OK

  • Figure above - Enter the points/weight for the unit


The points/weight will then be updated appropriately.  All units that need to be updated will need to be done in this way.

  • Figure above - Units with points/weight updated


On completion, click on the Close button to close the Qualification Unit Group screen.