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Is there a User Guide for PowerQR?
Yes! Go to: Help > User Guides > PowerQR User Guide
PowerPro Sky - No limits!
This Cloud based platform frees up your IT infrastructure, enables staff and trainers to work remotely and is a must have for RTOs with multiple branches, off-site workers or with staff working from home
Renewing an Expiring M2M Credential
Renewal is done using the RAM web site
How do I ensure all my AVETMISS courses are reported?
Use AVETMISS files > report this course
ASQA - Declaration of Compliance Report
Number of VET Student enrolments in a calendar year
How do I update to PowerPro 2024?
Please read on for instructions
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Licensing and Installation
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Enrolments and Results
Compliance (inc. AVETMISS, RAPT, CRICOS, VSL)
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Web Plugin
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USI and M2M
E-Learning Platforms
PowerQR - Parchment Validation System
How-To Videos
PowerPro Sky