This FAQ is provided for customers of PowerPro as is, and please be aware that help with HTML / CSS is generally outside the scope of support.

Formatting your emails to look modern and professional within the PowerPro is a requirement for some RTO's and we can facilitate this using some of the features you will already be familiar with!

Yes, HTML and CSS are scary sounding coding languages, however if you are already using the PowerPro 'fields' like <GIVEN> and <SURNAME>, you are basically halfway to using these languages.

For example text can be bolded, as below.

<b> This text will be bolded! </b> This text would not be bolded, as it has no surrounding 'tags'.

In your email, it would display like this.

This text will be bolded! This text would not be bolded, as it has no surrounding 'tags'.


It is important to remember the basic rule is a starting tag like <b> and the closing tag with the forward slash like </b>. Anything within will be affected by the tags.

These coding elements will be stored as text within your templates alongside the fields and content of your email template. If you have never created an email template before, this guide will assist you in creating one.

The Following is a table for some simple formatting, and their outputs.

Tag Effect
This text will be <b>Bolded</b> This text will be Bolded
This text will be <u>Underlined</u> This text will be Underlined
This text will be <strong>Important</strong> This text will be Important
This text will be in <i>Italic</i> This text will be in Italic
This text will be <em>Emphasized</em> This text will be Emphasized
This text will be <mark>Marked</mark> This text will be Marked
This text will be <small>Smaller</small> This text will be Smaller
This text will be <del>Deleted</del> This text will be Deleted
This text will be <ins>Inserted</ins> This text will be Inserted
This text will be <sub>Subscript</sub> This text will be Subscript
This text will be <sup>Superscript</sup> This text will be Superscript
This text is a<p>Paragraph</p>

This text is a Paragraph

<h1>This text is a level 1 Header</h1>

This text is a level 1 Header

<h2>This text is a level 2 Header</h2>

This text is a level 2 Header

<h3>This text is a level 3 Header</h3>

This text is a level 3 Header

<h4>This text is a level 4 Header</h4>

This text is a level 4 Header

<h5>This text is a level 5 Header</h5>
This text is a level 5 Header
<h6>This text is a level 6 Header</h6>
This text is a level 6 Header


Another nifty tool is in-line CSS which can be used to change the style of text. These styles can be applied to various elements including paragraphs and headers as you will see further in.

Tag Effect
<p style="color:red;">Text</p>

Text in paragraph format, made red

<p style="font-family: courier;">Text</p>

Text in paragraph format, with a font change

<p style="font-size: 160%;">Text</p>

Text in paragraph format, at a custom size

<p style="border: 2px solid #466D1D;">Text</p>

Text in paragraph format, with a border

<p style="padding: 30px;">Text</p>

Text in paragraph format, with a padding element

<p style="margin: 50px;">Text</p>

Text in paragraph format, with margin

<p style="title="I'm a tooltip">Text</p>

Text in paragraph format, with a mouseover tooltip


We can also insert links and images as so.

Tag Effect
<a href="" target="_blank">The text the link should be behind</a> The text the link should be behind
<img src="" width="400" height="46" alt="The logo of the company powerpro"> The logo of the company powerpro


Let's take what we've learned and make a template, using the PowerPro fields, and some HTML and CSS!

<p style="font-family: Arial;>
	<i>Dear <PREF_NAME> <SURNAME>,</i>
<p style="font-family: Arial; text-indent: 10px;">
	 The team here at YOUR_RTO_NAME_HERE would like to formally accept your request for enrolment into one of the limited places within our <ins><LEVEL><i><CRS_SEP></i><CRS_NAME></ins>.<br>
	The important details of your course are below.

<h3 style="border: 2px solid #466D1D; margin: 50px; font-family: Arial;">Course Introduction</h3>
<p style="font-family: Arial; text-indent: 10px;>
	Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed id ligula congue nulla bibendum auctor nec quis mi. Phasellus eu ex vel leo sodales vehicula. 
	Maecenas hendrerit nisi nec porttitor vestibulum. <b>Sed sed sagittis arcu</b>. Nam in viverra ante. In ante metus, imperdiet et eros non, elementum finibus purus. 
	Aliquam quis mauris nec libero molestie semper congue at ipsum. Duis venenatis eget odio id feugiat. Sed aliquam nisl nec hendrerit accumsan. 
	Nam enim tellus, commodo quis nisi ut, varius molestie est. Duis nec egestas elit. Sed euismod, <ins>ex nec ornare varius, dolor justo porta libero, non rutrum mauris odio eleifend est</ins>.<br><br>

<p style="font-family: Arial;>
				<th><b>Course Name: </b></th>
				<th><LEVEL> <CRS_SEP> <CRS_NAME></th>
				<td><b>Course Dates: </b></td>
				<td><CRS_ST> - <CRS_END_WDAY></td>
				<td><b>Your trainers name: </b></td>
				<td><b>Course Location: </b></td>
				<td><b>Course Cost: </b></td>
				<td><b>Your First Session: </b></td>
				<td><SES1_WDAY> the <SES1> from <SES1_TST> to <SES1_TEND></td>

<h3 style="border: 2px solid #466D1D; margin: 50px; font-family: Arial;">For more information: </h3>

<p style="font-family: Arial; text-indent: 10px;>
	Duis in semper nibh, congue egestas eros. Sed congue ligula quis justo imperdiet, vel bibendum nibh commodo. In posuere ipsum vitae mollis consectetur. 
	In ut aliquam tellus. Duis imperdiet lectus in tortor rutrum dignissim. Phasellus magna lacus, rhoncus et mi in, consequat maximus mauris. 
	Praesent id odio non nisl ornare faucibus. Etiam lorem purus, imperdiet in mollis ut, mattis luctus nulla. Morbi lacinia quam id ipsum aliquam, vehicula vehicula tellus volutpat. 
	Suspendisse interdum magna vel elit fringilla tempus. In orci felis, commodo vitae accumsan at, rutrum nec risus. Sed et faucibus sem. Vivamus sit amet mollis eros, eget sagittis turpis.

<p style="font-family: Arial;>
	Sed a accumsan sem. Vivamus aliquam nunc ut maximus aliquet. Nullam felis orci, feugiat sed interdum at, lacinia et lectus. Ut eu posuere erat. Praesent eu leo at augue molestie tempor. 
	Nunc sed laoreet purus. Pellentesque suscipit orci quis volutpat finibus. Nullam sit amet est mattis, accumsan leo sed, varius libero. Mauris eget dapibus quam, id scelerisque erat. 
	Donec condimentum elit bibendum fringilla convallis. Etiam orci ligula, tincidunt sit amet risus vitae, elementum fermentum ex. 

<p style="font-family: Arial;>
	<b>Our privacy policy:</b> <a href="" target="_blank"> YOUR_RTO_NAME_HERE Privacy Policy</a><br>
	<b>Your Student Agreement:</b> <a href="" target="_blank"> Our agreement between Student and Organisation</a><br>
	<b>Terms and Conditions:</b> <a href="" target="_blank"> Studying at YOUR_RTO_NAME_HERE Terms & Conditions</a>

<p style="font-family: Arial;>
	Many thanks and kind regards,<br>
	from the whole team at EXAMPLE_RTO

<p style="font-family: Arial; text-indent: 10px; font-size: 70%; color:#8B0000;">
	<i>Please be aware: <br>
	Quisque blandit mi mi, vitae accumsan arcu porta eu. Morbi aliquet diam ligula, quis vulputate tortor tristique nec. 
	Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Suspendisse in elit vel nisi sollicitudin eleifend. 
	Proin id nisl dignissim, congue lorem eget, viverra turpis. Morbi at dolor sit amet nulla finibus vehicula eget quis eros. 
	Mauris est justo, vehicula eu ligula et, ullamcorper pulvinar tortor. Sed quis est et erat rutrum euismod accumsan ac justo.</i>


Which should appear like the below:

Dear Jane Doe,

The team here at EXAMPLE_RTO would like to formally accept your request for enrolment into one of the limited places within our Diploma of Information Technology.
The important details of your course are below.

Course Introduction

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed id ligula congue nulla bibendum auctor nec quis mi. Phasellus eu ex vel leo sodales vehicula. Maecenas hendrerit nisi nec porttitor vestibulum. Sed sed sagittis arcu. Nam in viverra ante. In ante metus, imperdiet et eros non, elementum finibus purus. Aliquam quis mauris nec libero molestie semper congue at ipsum. Duis venenatis eget odio id feugiat. Sed aliquam nisl nec hendrerit accumsan. Nam enim tellus, commodo quis nisi ut, varius molestie est. Duis nec egestas elit. Sed euismod, ex nec ornare varius, dolor justo porta libero, non rutrum mauris odio eleifend est.

Course Name: Diploma of Information Technology
Course Dates: 08/02/2022 - 9/12/2022
Your trainers name: John Smith
Course Location: Perth Campus
Course Cost: $3400.00
Your First Session: Tuesday the 08/02/2022 from 8:30am to 4:00pm

For more information:

Duis in semper nibh, congue egestas eros. Sed congue ligula quis justo imperdiet, vel bibendum nibh commodo. In posuere ipsum vitae mollis consectetur. In ut aliquam tellus. Duis imperdiet lectus in tortor rutrum dignissim. Phasellus magna lacus, rhoncus et mi in, consequat maximus mauris. Praesent id odio non nisl ornare faucibus. Etiam lorem purus, imperdiet in mollis ut, mattis luctus nulla. Morbi lacinia quam id ipsum aliquam, vehicula vehicula tellus volutpat. Suspendisse interdum magna vel elit fringilla tempus. In orci felis, commodo vitae accumsan at, rutrum nec risus. Sed et faucibus sem. Vivamus sit amet mollis eros, eget sagittis turpis.

Sed a accumsan sem. Vivamus aliquam nunc ut maximus aliquet. Nullam felis orci, feugiat sed interdum at, lacinia et lectus. Ut eu posuere erat. Praesent eu leo at augue molestie tempor. Nunc sed laoreet purus. Pellentesque suscipit orci quis volutpat finibus. Nullam sit amet est mattis, accumsan leo sed, varius libero. Mauris eget dapibus quam, id scelerisque erat. Donec condimentum elit bibendum fringilla convallis. Etiam orci ligula, tincidunt sit amet risus vitae, elementum fermentum ex.

Our privacy policy: EXAMPLE_RTO Privacy Policy
Your Student Agreement: Our agreement between Student and Organisation
Terms and Conditions: Studying at EXAMPLE_RTO Terms & Conditions

Many thanks and kind regards,
from the whole team at EXAMPLE_RTO

Please be aware:
Quisque blandit mi mi, vitae accumsan arcu porta eu. Morbi aliquet diam ligula, quis vulputate tortor tristique nec. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Suspendisse in elit vel nisi sollicitudin eleifend. Proin id nisl dignissim, congue lorem eget, viverra turpis. Morbi at dolor sit amet nulla finibus vehicula eget quis eros. Mauris est justo, vehicula eu ligula et, ullamcorper pulvinar tortor. Sed quis est et erat rutrum euismod accumsan ac justo.

There are some really good resources out there for extra help if you want to keep learning / customizing your emails.

Also, there are programs available called Integrated Development Environments (IDE's) like 'VS Code' which can allow you to type the code and test the formatting on the fly, which makes the process easier and more visual.