If you are receiving this error message '535 Authentication Failed' this usually means your mail server is rejecting your login credentials. This will mean any emails you try to send through PowerPro will not go through we recommend the following steps be taken:
1. Try logging into your email account associated with your email address. If you are unable to login, reset your password and try again. If you can successfully login then pop this new password into your SMTP settings and try again
See below screenshot demonstrating where to find these settings if you're not sure:
2. Your email hosting provider (e.g. Outlook/Godaddy/Microsoft 365/AOL/Gmail) may have an option for SMTP authentication which is generally disabled by default. Check the settings to make sure it is enabled with your provider - how to do this will vary by provider
3. Your email provider may be blocking SMTP access if it suspects suspicious activity - check for security alerts and if you see one listed for PowerPro you will need to approve it and if there is an option to approve access for PowerPro going forward- we recommend doing so
4. If you have 2FA (Two factor authentication) enabled you may need to generate an App Password instead of using your usual password. Please find below instructions to obtain this (again this process will vary by provider) so this is generalised assistance:
- Login to your webmail account
- Account Settings > Security
- Look for App Passwords and generate a new password
- Use this newly generated password instead of your normal one in the password section of PowerPro's SMTP settings
5. Check your Firewall and Antivirus settings as this can block SMTP connections on occasion. you may need to temporarily disable your firewalls and antivirus software to test this. If it is the case and the email goes through when these are disabled then contact your I.T team and they can assist with allowing these connections through permanently.