Downloading the new M2M credential
The M2M (Machine to Machine Credential) is a text file that plugs into PowerPro enabling it to authenticate your RTO and access the USI Register Web Services API
The M2M is a text file that the RTO must download once every two years in order to be able to verify, locate and create Student USIs from PowerPro RTO
Note: If you find the following instructions are not helpful, please head to the end of this article and watch our video guide
How to obtain the M2M credential
1) To get started, the "Responsible/Principal Authority" of the RTO/Business will need to set up their personal myGovID and link the business in Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) website portal
Your personal myGovID must be created before logging in to the RAM portal
Getting started with myGovID:
IMPORTANT NOTE: PowerPro cannot offer any support surrounding the setup of your digital identity/myGovID
It includes installing a mobile app and uploading personal identification documents
For any assistance with setting up the digital identity please follow the official MyGovID guide:
2) The next step is to log into the Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) website portal to link your business/RTO to the RAM login
This task must to be done by the business “Responsible/Principal Authority”
Guidance and documentation for this step can be found here:
Note: As of 21st of June 2021, the RAM site does not allow you to link your business - to do this please contact the ATO (Australian Tax Office) and they can assist you in linking your RTO/Business to the RAM login
3) Once the business/RTO is linked within the Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) portal, you can proceed to “Create machine credential” (the actual M2M)
3a) Note: If you cannot see "Create Machine Credential" and instead see "Software required" follow the "Machine Credentials download" hyperlink in the textbox to download the ATOMAS browser extension - Google Chrome is highly recommended for this step
Guidance and documentation for this step can be found here:
Step 8 (in the above guide) is the crucial one!
Keystore path – It will use a pre-filled default location - Please do not adjust this so that we will always know where to find the M2M
Keystore password – It can be whatever you need it to be but please jot it down! If it is forgotten, it cannot be reset - We will need this password when configuring the PowerPro USI interface
Credential name – Enter a name for the machine credential, you should create a name which will help you to easily identify the machine credential (e.g. M2M-July2021)
If this is the first M2M you ever requested for the RTO you will also need to request access to the USI Web Services
You can now follow these instructions to configure the M2M in PowerPro - Alternatively the PowerPro support team can assist - just give us a call and we we help you setting up the M2M in PowerPro