If you are having issues Verifying, Locating and Creating a USI, please see below reasons and possible fix.

1: Please start by checking the USI systems website: https://www.usi.gov.au/. If there is an Outage or System Fault, it will look something like below:

2: Please check your computers Date and Time. If the time is more than a minute off, it is likely to cause an error.
If the date is not formatted correctly (dd/mm/yyyy) or the date is incorrect, it will also cause an error.

3: If the RTO has recently had the Legal Name or ABN changed, this can also cause an error.  OR

4: If you have an error message stating "Certificate has been revoked" eg. as image below

The person who created the Machine Credential needs to log into RAMS and check and re-link the account. A requirement of RAMS once a year.

If you are not sure follow from Step2. using this LINK


                 ~~If none of the above steps helped, please contact our support line and we can help you figure out what the issue might be~~