Unit hours are not relevant for NCVER reporting however this field can be relevant if your RTO delivers Government funded training

PowerPro has a data file containing the nationally agreed nominal hours for each unit of competency
This is usually a good start however in certain states/territories the RTO may need to adjust unit hours manually to ensure error free funding claims

To import the nationally agreed nominal hours please do steps as per below image: 

  1. Open the configuration> units of competency window
  2. Click on the unit actions drop-down button
  3. Select import unit hours
  4. A new window comes up, press OK to proceed


To manually adjust the unit funded hours please do steps as per below image: 

  1. Open the configuration> units of competency window
  2. Find the relevant unit the list
  3. Press the Edit button
  4. Adjust the funded hours field
  5. Press Save to apply